Sunday, 31 May 2015

Summer Is For Plans

Okay so we all have those Pinterest dreamy sun kissed images in our head when we think of an epic summer right? Well this years goal is to try and not only experience such adventures but to also record them; photographs, writing it all down, video montages, little watercolours, anything like that. So that by the end I have a collection of stuff that I can delve back into whenever I forget what the sun feels like. 
A little game plan I guess you could call it; a rambling list of everything unnecessary I want to do this summer..

Carry my camera everywhere and capture little moments 

Buy a cheap disposable camera and get it developed right at the end of summer 

Long board along the beach without going anywhere in particular 

Hop in a friends car and toss a coin to go right or left - get lost 

Get lost again

Buy a Moleskine and use it as a creative outlet / travel journal 

Go on long long walks

Paint and sketch and draw and paint some more

Lie in the grass and listen to music

Go outside as much as possible

Thrown myself into this blog

Actually print photos instead of letting them sit on my computer

Take some pencils/watercolours sit somewhere outside and sketch what I see

Go on day trips to new places

Have a movie marathon and roll on all those films I keep meaning to watch

DIY tie-dye a t-shirt, or three 

I’m not sure how many of these I’ll accomplish by the end of summer, bearing in mind July is engulfed with a month abroad and a-levely things and trips with friends seemed to have mopped up the days in august. I love a good challenge though, one that I hope to be recording and sharing right here on this blog. 


Sunday, 24 May 2015

The Blend Active Smoothie Maker, Health Booster

  Considering the minute price and the easypeasy-ness of this contraption I couldn’t help but pick one up when my friend Ciara started making it her morning ritual and bringing a bottle of berried goodness to sixth form every morning. 
  I have to say since picking it up I’m one step closer to fulfilling that "5-a-day” habit we were told about as kids. It now sits on out kitchen counter and I try to have one once a day, whether that’s as my breakfast where I fill it full of oats and peanut butter or when I get home in the afternoon as a little energy booster. Below I’ve listed my favourite combination, with a few tweaks to the original recipe that came with it, for both taste and also because who has fresh berries in their fridge all day everyday right?!

  Now these are just the basic ingredients, go ahead and add porridge oats, peanut butter or anything else a little more substantial for a more breakfast appropriate smoothie. Plus excuse the unnecessarily fancy glass photo at the end, but where else do you get to crack out snazzy glasses and pop blackberries on top!? 
Any smoothies you've been gulping down, I'd love to hear about them  


Sunday, 17 May 2015

Mid-Month Motivation || May

  I love a good few hours slapping paint on a canvas, not something I have been doing much of lately. With exam season upon us, a whole lot’a time is being spent hunched over a desk, not giving much time for anything else.
  I took this little snapshot of some oil paints a few months back when I was in the thick of my fine-art course work and churning out canvases like no tomorrow. I love the way the light is bouncing off the creases of the paint tubes and thought it paired quite well with this Picasso quote. It's perhaps not an expected ‘motivational’ quote but painting and creating always reminds me of the freedom to express, something maths papers and revision timetables aren’t quite allowing me right now. With all this supposed ‘doom and gloom’ I thought I’d remind myself and anyone with similar feelings, that a smattering of perspective never hurts plus nothing lasts forever. 


Sunday, 10 May 2015

Four Favourite // Blogs

   I love sharing my thoughts and wanderings on this blog, but I think reading other blogs is just as important so it’s not such a one sided thing ya-know? I thought I’d share with you a few blogs that I think are worth the read so we can all share the love - nawh. 
(It’s also the perfect excuse to crack out the macro lens and take some draamatic shots of my computer.. inner photography fanatic right here.)

I’m warning you know be prepared for how gorgeous her layout, photos and writing is! You get the feeling all her posts have taken time and effort to produce, I squeal whenever a new one is uploaded.

If I’m feeling a tad uninspired I’ll head on over and cruise through the homepage, gawping at all the fresh and unusual art work released.There’s a big range of stuff that’s included from cute sketchbook paintings to enchanting photographs.  

Tea Time With Ciara 
Written by one my closest friends of course I had to give her a mention! It’s rare that I read a blog written by someone I know personally, so shout out to my blogging buddy! 

I don’t know how else to describe this blog other than totally refreshing, the layout is so clean and uncluttered it’s a joy just to look at. The locations photographed are stunning, I love scrolling through the home screen as a little escape from day to day life.  

I know for sure I’ll go onto Bloglovin’ after writing this and go "damn how could I not have included that blog?!" head on over here to see what other blogs I’ve been pouring over..

Any blogs you’ve been loving? I’d love to know..


Sunday, 3 May 2015

Note To Self // Stop, Breathe, Meditate

   If you’re a regular reader on this little blog you’ve probably noticed the lack of posts coming up in the last few weeks, due to exam season just around the corner, a lot of my time has been taken up with past papers, note taking and all that jazz. Tying in with that ( check out that smooth transition! ) my last post was all about ‘powering through’ and focusing on getting all this revision done however I know how easy it is to get a bit too caught up in all this preparation for the future, whether that may consist of looming exams or something else perhaps a little more exciting. 
  During these busy next few weeks I think it’s super important to know where to stop.. for times when I'm feeling those stressy ‘can I just jump on a plane and never have to worry again’ vibes I love to grab my phone and tune in to this app called Omvana that you can download for free off the app store. I’ve tried a few of these kinda apps before but this seems to be the best one so far. With this snazzy little app you can chose to download free tracks or buy some from the store, I love how you can ‘mix tracks’ together by overlaying a guided mediation session to some clingyclangy chilled out sounds.
  I usually do this in the afternoon or evening, alone in my room and make sure to turn my phone onto ‘do not disturb’ before starting. This act of separating myself from any people or pressures helps so much in staying focused and calm, I physically feel so much more grounded and any nervous energy will have gone. 
  Whether meditation is something you’ve tried and love or maybe it’s just not for you, I think the right idea is there; stepping away from your everyday life can only do you the world of good, maybe just not for too long! 