The past few months have been spent pondering, deciding and travelling; floating around universities and thinking up thoughts and feelings on them. It’s hard, I think, with any big decision to not let others sway you.To not let their opinions, true or biased, shape your decisions. It's that fine line between taking other’s advice and being led by them.
This is a rambling post as I like to call them. I knew the title of this blog post way before sitting down to write it, yet the right words; what I am trying to explain, is something I cannot get quite right. I guess that is because there is no real purpose to this post, other than to share thoughts and some beautiful photos of Newcastle.
The idea of wandering off to uni has always been there, as something I will do, which is great. But what I am realising more and more, is that as amazing as all these opportunities are, there are fees to think about and whether I could actually earn some money at the end of all this. I guess pursuing your passions will always have it’s obstacles, something that is becoming ever more apparent as this decision making goes on. I am not having doubts, just pauses in my excitement, touch downs to think about realistic plans and goals.
Who knew these decisions would all be so hard eh?