Monday, 18 January 2016

A Change Of Scenery

Change is not always something I'm that great at welcoming. Although I love switching up the small things like my phone case or nail varnish, bigger changes are something I'm trying to embrace more.
On that note I’ve been having some thoughts about changing up this blog; making some major adjustments as well as just freshening it up a bit.
I must admit some of my plans are a little 'cray' considering I’m going to do all this revamping myself, but we’ll see. I’m arming myself with all the ‘how-to’ sites I can get my hands on! 
Most importantly I’m changing this blog's name, *drum roll please* to Wanders & Wonders. I felt this title was snappier and a little less moody. The name popped into my head a few months back out of nowhere, I instantly loved the way it encompasses a mind that's always thinking and a lover of travel.
The URL is also going to be changing, so the best place to find this blog whilst it’s making the change-over is on Bloglovin’.
For now be prepared for a lot of gradual changes as well as me occasionally taking the site down to make some bigger adjustments. Now all I have to do is sit down and get coding - lucky me. 


Monday, 11 January 2016

On Contentment

I'm currently reading "Quiet" by Susan Cain, a book looking at the power and importance of introverts in a culture where extroverts are the favoured personality type. There was a section looking at how introverts tend to be more sensitive to big events and new experiences, explaining why they can happily have a quiet evening at home and not feel ‘under stimulated’ - as this book calls it.
When my friend Darcey casually stated that she feels completely content with staying at home with tea, the TV and a blanket it really struck me. Because although that doesn’t sound like a bad idea, it’s not something that would ever spring to mind. So what does make me feel really content? And when I say content I mean the I-wouldn’t-want-to-be-doing-anything-else-right-now kind of feeling. 
After much deliberation, I came up with two situations that really struck me as utter contentment: 

01  Being at a (rock) concert, seeing a band you lurve. That awesome feeling of being completely wrapped up in the loud music and the people on stage and the crowd around you. The most effective path to having some mind-numbing (and deafening) fun. 

02  Having a really deep conversation with someone. And I mean scraping the bottom, drowning in the deepness, deep. It’s the way you connect with someone on such a genuine and honest level . Thinking up new ideas, new ways of seeing things and sharing thoughts that you can explore. 

There were lots of things that came close to this list. I always think good people and good food is another one. But I think what I was aiming for here was situations where you are completely lost in the moment, not worrying about what you just said, or what you should eat, or what’s happening tomorrow. 

Perhaps this got you thinking? If so, I’d love to hear. 

Monday, 4 January 2016

A Mindset For 2016

So we’ve all said our farewells to 2015 and now it comes the time of year when we all sit down and ponder our goals and bucket lists for the next twelve months. I’m all for this new-found motivation, but I sometimes think our attitudes for how to achieve these goals are a little askew. Perhaps just listing what we want to do and expecting to make the time for it doesn’t work?
This year I thought I’d put this idea to the test. I’m going to not really mention what I want to do this year, but instead how I should be thinking to achieve it. The idea is that if you get yourself into the right mindset, all your goals can follow right behind. 

Stop Waiting For 'Better Things' In The Future. It’s so easy to wish away the present because we know in a week, a month, a year things will be better. I want to make a habit of pointing out what’s good about right now instead of what I won’t miss.

Exercise Benefits You Mentally As Well As Physically. The idea of a run first thing in the morning can sound like the worst idea, but it doesn't feel that way once it’s done and dusted. 

I’m A Morning Person, Make The Most Of It. Having a lie-in from time to time can be a small luxury, but getting up and starting the day early is what makes me feel motivated. 

Don’t Overthink Things! It’s sometimes best to go with the flow, thinking things over and over won’t change anything. 

Long lists always look intimidating so short and sweet it is. What are your new year’s resolutions? I’d love to hear.

Happy new year 
