Saturday, 21 March 2015

Mid-Month Motivation || March

 I took this vast photo of the beach a few weeks back to be used in an art project. Purely by luck I turned up at the beach and was taken back by how intense and dramatic it looked that day. With the sea further out than I had seen it in a while and the sky creating these dramatic deeply coloured clouds, I couldn't stop snapping away at it.
 The quote I picked to go with it is one of my favourites from E.E. Cummings taken from a little book I mentioned in my February favourites full of his poems. I like the little man in the photo, it reminds me of how small you can feel compared to the power of the ocean. 


Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Pick-Me-Up Must See Films

  Sometimes, when I'm not in the mood for anything that requires too much thinking, I love to kick back, throw my hair up and enter the world of Netflix. Perhaps it's stress levels at the moment, but I haven't been as energised and inspired as per usual. I've compiled together a list below of classic I-want-to-feel-motivated kinda films, some that make me weep and deeply consider the meaning of life and others that make me laugh out loud every time. These are definitely worth a watch.. 

Forrest Gump
Every time I sit down to watch this film, I always get back up feeling ready to face the world (dramatic much?!). The film is based around the character Forrest Gump, showing points in his life from a child right up to his late thirties. It is set in the second half of the 20th century and includes many defining events that Forrest seems to become part of. The character leads such a full yet simple life, I always come away feeling inspired to go do something incredible.
How I Live Now 
This film revolves around an American teen and her cousins as they fight for survival when Britain is faced with what is presumably the third world war. What got me when I watched this film for the first time was how real everything was. It was strange to see a country I live in today become this war zone of the future, it was scarily realistic which is what pulled me into the film. Perhaps not the cheeriest, but extremely gripping and tear jerking, it definitely got me thinking.. 
(500) Days Of Summer 
A very bright and breezy film compared to the two above. It's a cleverly done romantic comedy about a girl who doesn't believe in love and a boy who falls for her. When I read the description for this film before watching it I really was expecting yet another typical rom-com, however I thought the cinematography was beautiful. It's packed full of laugh out loud moments and unusual plot twists. 
Freaky Friday 
The ultimate feel good film, full of stereo-typical American teenage life and horrific 90s clothes. The film focuses on a moody teen and her mum who both undergo a kinda 'body switch' and are forced to switch lives for the day. I must admit, I'm  jealous of the garage band Lindsay Lohan, who plays the main character, is in; how she can stroll into the garage pick up her guitar and in seconds they begin a flawless run of a song - the dream! 


Watercolour stripe:

Monday, 9 March 2015

Moleskine 001

I’ve always loved putting ideas and sketches down on paper, it feels as if I’m getting rid of cluttered thoughts either in the form of lists (you can never write too many lists!) or in some random doodle or sketch. Being a bit of a Pinterest addict, I see (and pin) a lot of those beautiful sketchbooks with pages full of intricately drawn portraits and cute little watercolours. To fulfil this Pinterest worthy dream I picked up an A5 Moleskine from waterstones just before Christmas and got going, trying ever so hard to keep each and every page looking beautiful. I must admit I’m guilty of gluing pages together if I don’t like them - shameful but necessary! 

 I’m currently about a quarter of the way through the sketch book and love looking back at it for inspiration, it seems to have become a bit of a visual diary - I’ll come across a page and be reminded of a memory or feeling (woah heartfelt comments there).  
 The pages are mostly full of quotes I liked or little drawings of images I saw on Instagram, it’s so tempting to fill in all the pages really quickly and reach that satisfying moment when you come to the last page and can close the book with a sense of finality - or maybe that’s just me?

  Some of the sketches are no where near as beautiful as ones on Pinterest but it's a start! Who knows, by the end of this book I may be a little better at putting pencil to paper.. 


Friday, 6 March 2015

5 Ways to style the Grey Tee

  I think if I had to pick one ultimate staple item of clothing, a grey t-shirt would be up there at the top. Throwing a super massive grey tee over practically anything is not only comfy but makes it look like you’ve actually thought about what your wearing. The one I've got here is from Topshop, I bought it practically double my size so it looks super slouchy on. 
Below I've thrown together a few ways I wear the grey t shirt that may help anyone looking for some new everyday looks.

Of course before we get into any other outfits I had to mention the jeans and tee combo. I've added some Nike free runs and a bomber jacket for a comfy and casual vibe. This is perfect for a day when I know I'm going to be on my feet a lot. The ripped jeans add a bit of detail to a simple outfit and the funky socks - because why not?!

This gorgeously floaty 50s style skirt I picked up from Topshop in a sale not long ago and have fallen in love with it. It's not often I get to float around in a long skirt and so I've fully embraced it! I added this fur trimmed parka on top to carry through with the over sized vibe and slipped into some black cut out boots.

Grey on grey 
Who can go wrong with a grey-on-grey combo? Another super simple outfit that would work beautifully with a bright red lip and statement necklace. 

I always think of a pinny as more of a festival-esque piece but throwing on some woolly tights and layers of jumpers could make this a winter to spring transaction piece. The grey tee with its baggy sleeves make this outfit look kinda cute and school girl-ish which I like to embrace every now and then! 

These black and white patterned trousers perhaps add a bit of formality to the outfit but paired with some worn in converse and of course the baggy grey tee, it looks super grungy and perhaps a tad vintage-y? 
So there you are, some of my favourite combos to thrown on here and there, which one was your favourite?! 

Monday, 2 March 2015

February Reads

  This month has been a busy one, sitting down and taking the time out to read hasn’t been at the top of my priorities and so I haven’t got through as many books. That being said, the ones I have been picking up are in someways different to the norm, not the usual lose-yourself-in-fiction kinda book, but still just as gripping. 

I’ve always been vaguely interested in climate change and what is being done to stop it, I thought I’d have a go reading this hefty book when I picked it up in Waterstones around Christmas time. Not gonna lie, you have to concentrate when reading this book, it’s got a lot of info packed into the pages, all of it fascinating if your into this whole political/climate change stuff. The book discusses a lot of ideas and issues surrounding climate change; how governments and powerful companies are dealing with the danger of ruining our planet as well are possible solutions to solve the crisis. Some of the facts and figures it showed had me stunned as to how badly some situations were handled. I was left itching to go out and do something about it all.

To clarify usually I am lost when it comes to anything slightly poetic. I’d seen a lot of E.E. Cumming’s work on Tumblr and Pinterest and I included one of his poems in a mid-month motivation a couple of months back here, however on another Waterstones impulse I felt the need to look at more of his work on something other than my phone or computer. And so I strolled out of Waterstones, feeling rather pretentious and artsy with a little book of his poems. Since then I’ve loved highlighting my favourite bits and folding over corners - basically ruining the book as many people hate me for, sorry! 

Happy reading!  
