This month has been a busy one, sitting down and taking the time out to read hasn’t been at the top of my priorities and so I haven’t got through as many books. That being said, the ones I have been picking up are in someways different to the norm, not the usual lose-yourself-in-fiction kinda book, but still just as gripping.
I’ve always been vaguely interested in climate change and what is being done to stop it, I thought I’d have a go reading this hefty book when I picked it up in Waterstones around Christmas time. Not gonna lie, you have to concentrate when reading this book, it’s got a lot of info packed into the pages, all of it fascinating if your into this whole political/climate change stuff. The book discusses a lot of ideas and issues surrounding climate change; how governments and powerful companies are dealing with the danger of ruining our planet as well are possible solutions to solve the crisis. Some of the facts and figures it showed had me stunned as to how badly some situations were handled. I was left itching to go out and do something about it all.
To clarify usually I am lost when it comes to anything slightly poetic. I’d seen a lot of E.E. Cumming’s work on Tumblr and Pinterest and I included one of his poems in a mid-month motivation a couple of months back here, however on another Waterstones impulse I felt the need to look at more of his work on something other than my phone or computer. And so I strolled out of Waterstones, feeling rather pretentious and artsy with a little book of his poems. Since then I’ve loved highlighting my favourite bits and folding over corners - basically ruining the book as many people hate me for, sorry!
Happy reading!
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