Sunday 12 July 2015

Small Things \\ Eye Spy

I wanted to start another little series here on this blog, focusing on the small details in life we perhaps don't notice normally. I guess this is following the idea of being mindful, and taking the time to examine the beautiful and intricate details of day-to-day life. The amazing colours and textures that make up the human eye seemed like a good place to start.

If your curious as to what lens I'm using I'm thinking of doing a post on my photography kit in the near future so look out for that! I love the variation of colours especially in the blue/green eyes. Ignore my silhouettes in the reflections, leaning at awkward angles and trying to stay ever-so-still to get the image in focus.
Credit to my friends here for allowing me to stick a camera in their face. 


  1. Haha, I really don't like when people get very close to my face especially with some kind of technology, so big props to your friends for being so kind :) Also, I loooove green and grey eyes! x

    -Leta | The Nerdy Me

    1. Haha YUP they were very patient with me when I was trying to get it all in focus! x
