Monday 12 October 2015

Autumn Is For Plans

I did one of these at the start of summer and fell in love with how I could look back over it and tick things off. This season round it’s all about embracing the shorter days, the icy weather and cosying up with some comfy clothes. Here's my game plan for the next few months..

Crack out the super dark lips - my fave is MAC rebel 

Invest in some fairy lights with little lanterns on the end and string them up around my room 

Light up a spicy warm candle every evening 

As tumblr as it is don’t judge - pumpkin spice lattes are calling 

I’m not ready to say farewell to sandals yet, so embrace the socks and sandals 

Wrap up and go on long walks to savour the last leaves on trees 

Stock up on some heavy, snuggly jumpers 

Try and pick up my journal more often to write down passing thoughts

Embrace the rain, don’t let it get you down, sit and watch it with some music and a book

Start carrying my kindle / book out and about with me to squeeze in some reading now and then

Start planning some Christmas present ideas - it’s never too early!

Try and top up Instagram with regular posts - it ends up becoming a little collection of memories 

Take time for yourself - don’t get too stressed out - a little perspective always helps 

Pick up some whacky sunnies and pair with a dark lip

Try mix and matching textures and prints to jazz up a classic autumn outfit 

Book up a few trips to galleries equipped with a backpack, sketchbook and camera 

These are a little less ambitious than my summer list but still just as tempting. Any ideas you have for the upcoming months? I’d love to add to this list. 
Look out for weekly posts on a Monday morning from now on.


Little shoutout to my friend Darcey for coming up with this genius and ingenuitive post idea, well done, well done..   ( can you hear the sarcasm? ) 


  1. I think this is a great list of plans :) I definitely could use some trips to galleries, it was too long since my last visit.

    -Leta | The Nerdy Me

    1. Thanks! I know, trip to london for some galleries is definitely up there :)
